Friday, February 26, 2010

Blending with the land.

Some more ideas to toss out.

Blending with the land:

Permaculture, Bill Mollison & David Holmgren; some good videos out there on Google

Forest Garden, Robert Hart
Masanobu Fukuoka's No-Work Farming (for all you farm boys, out there!)
Earthship, Michael Reynolds
Earth Architecture, Nader Khalili, Calearth Institute
Biodynamic Agriculture, Rudolph Steiner
Perelandra Garden, Machelle Small Wright
Findhorn Garden & manifesting
Solviva, Anna Edey

Less is more:

Your Money or Your Life, Vicki Robin & Joe Dominguez
Stop Working, Start Living; Diane Nahirny
Thrift, Frugality (subjects; I don't remember the titles & authors without checking)


The Herb Book, John Lust
Ayurveda, David Frawley
Edgar Cayce readings; all-edgar cayce cd rom, books, castor oil
Traditional Chinese Medicine, Stephen Chang

New Technology:

Jeanne Manning, The Coming Energy Revolution, and Breakthrough Power
Viktor Schauberger, see Callum Coats books
Dr. Fred Bell, Pyradyne
Nikola Tesla, see my earlier blog
Panacea University, Australia:


There's an inner tradition in every one of them, if you do the search and want to put out the effort.