Friday, February 26, 2010

A Better World Starts With You!


This message may be freely reproduced.

Every problem has a solution. A problem and its solution are like the two sides of a coin. One cannot exist without the other.

People try to find solutions to their problems, outside of themselves. They look to government, religion, celebrities, and anyone else but themselves for a solution. This indicates a lack of responsibility. A lack of responsibility for their own lives, and for the doings of their society. No one is going to wave a magic wand and take away your problems. You created them and it's your responsibility to solve them.

Protesting (whining for grown-ups) is about as effective as it was when you were a child. Voting for change is a euphemism for "passing the buck". If you want a better world to live in, you have to make your world a better place to live in.

Now what is the real origin of all your problems? You created this mess, so where did it originate from? Well, your body produced these actions and they had these unwanted effects (problems). Passing the buck allowed other people to make a mess of things. It's time to stop sucking your thumb and to start acting like a responsible adult! Your body did these things but your body was directed by your mind. This means that your own mind was the origin of these problems. This is the place to look for a solution - not outside of yourself.

The American Dream. The Good Life. I got mine and who cares about anyone else! You can buy your way to happiness. Greed is the reason you're in the mess you're in now.

The economy is collapsing. Not just in America but in countries around the world. If you think your government is going to help you, I'm sorry: They're just a bunch of individuals looking out for themselves - just like you!

Since you can't rely on your government to help you and you probably can't rely on your neighbor who's about as selfish as you are, there's only one person you can rely on. Not mommy or daddy but YOU!

Turn off the TV; stop smoking your weed. Get your head clear and think about coming up with a solution. Remember the problem originated in your mind and the solution will also originate in your mind. Think about it long enough and a solution will definitely come to mind. Once you've got the solution, get off your butt and start changing things for the better!