Why invade a poor country like Yemen?
You're our only hope, Indiana!
Source: http://mondovista.com/yemenasitisx.html
Why Yemen is the next war front.
By Gary Vey for viewzone
As an editor here at viewzone I get to write and publish lots of
interesting stories. Some authors write stories to promote a book or
CD. Others want to be credited with a discovery of something, usually
in the field of science or history. Occasionally though, a story must
be told because it is ripe -- its time has come -- and that is why I
have decided to write this true story about Yemen.
In the past couple of days, Yemen has been in the news. Following a
botched terror attack by a Nigerian who once visited Yemen, Senator
Lieberman and President Obama have told the American public that this
country is the next war front. In no time at all there will be
military advisors, equipment and soldiers on the ground, just like in
Iraq. And like Iraq, the real agenda for being there will be hidden
from you. That is, until you read this.
Soon you will hear many things about Yemen. The media will paint a
picture of this country and its people as the new home of Al Qeada,
and you will believe what they say. Why wouldn't you?
Yemen is the poorest country in the Arabian peninsula. It's located on
the map below Saudi Arabia. Despite it proximity to the rich oil
nation, Yemen is too far south to benefit from the rich oil deposits.
It's hot and dry and water is scarce. The Yemeni people are mostly
tribal, as they have been for centuries. There's really no reason
anyone would vacation in Yemen. Unless you have family there, you
would likely never go to Yemen.
But I have.
In 2001 I was the guest of the Yemeni government because I had
accidentally made a discovery that I had no right to make. I
discovered strong evidence that the Ark of the Covenant is buried in
an archaeological site in a desert outpost called Marib.
Full Article at Source.