Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Possible last post.


I'm having problems putting up my posts... this may be my last post.
Thanks for reading! Good luck.

Another possible reason for invading Yemen.

Why invade a poor country like Yemen?

You're our only hope, Indiana!

Source: http://mondovista.com/yemenasitisx.html

Why Yemen is the next war front.

By Gary Vey for viewzone

As an editor here at viewzone I get to write and publish lots of
interesting stories. Some authors write stories to promote a book or
CD. Others want to be credited with a discovery of something, usually
in the field of science or history. Occasionally though, a story must
be told because it is ripe -- its time has come -- and that is why I
have decided to write this true story about Yemen.

In the past couple of days, Yemen has been in the news. Following a
botched terror attack by a Nigerian who once visited Yemen, Senator
Lieberman and President Obama have told the American public that this
country is the next war front. In no time at all there will be
military advisors, equipment and soldiers on the ground, just like in
Iraq. And like Iraq, the real agenda for being there will be hidden
from you. That is, until you read this.

Soon you will hear many things about Yemen. The media will paint a
picture of this country and its people as the new home of Al Qeada,
and you will believe what they say. Why wouldn't you?

Yemen is the poorest country in the Arabian peninsula. It's located on
the map below Saudi Arabia. Despite it proximity to the rich oil
nation, Yemen is too far south to benefit from the rich oil deposits.
It's hot and dry and water is scarce. The Yemeni people are mostly
tribal, as they have been for centuries. There's really no reason
anyone would vacation in Yemen. Unless you have family there, you
would likely never go to Yemen.

But I have.

In 2001 I was the guest of the Yemeni government because I had
accidentally made a discovery that I had no right to make. I
discovered strong evidence that the Ark of the Covenant is buried in
an archaeological site in a desert outpost called Marib.

Full Article at Source.

More vaccine controversy.

More Vaccine Controversy

Source: http://childhealthsafety.wordpress.com/graphs/

Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries of Official Statistics

This is the data the drug industry do not want you to see. Here 2
centuries of UK, USA and Australian official death statistics show
conclusively and scientifically modern medicine is not responsible for
and played little part in substantially improved life expectancy and
survival from disease in western economies.

The main advances in combating disease over 200 years have been better
food and clean drinking water. Improved sanitation, less overcrowded
and better living conditions also contribute. This is also borne out
in published peer reviewed research:

•“The questionable contribution of medical measures to the decline of
mortality in the United States in the twentieth century“. McKinlay JB,
McKinlay SM, Milbank Mem Fund Q Health Soc. 1977 Summer; 55(3):

•“Symposium: Accomplishments in Child Nutrition during the 20th
Century. Infant Mortality in the 20th Century, Dramatic but Uneven
Progress” Myron E. Wegman School of Public Health, University of
Michigan: J. Nutr. 131: 401S–408S, 2001.

The Measles mortality graphs are enlightening [more below] and
contradict the claims of Government health officials that vaccines
have saved millions of lives. It is an unscientific claim which the
data show is untrue. Here you will also learn why vaccinations like
mumps and rubella for children are medically unethical and can expose
medical professionals to liability for criminal proceedings and civil
damages for administering them.

Full article at Source.

Saving local economies.

Social Credit up to the State level.

Time for a New Theory of Money

By understanding that money is simply credit, we unleash it as a
powerful tool for our communities.

by Ellen Brown

posted Oct 28, 2010

The reason our financial system has routinely gotten into trouble,
with periodic waves of depression like the one we’re battling now, may
be due to a flawed perception not just of the roles of banking and
credit but of the nature of money itself. In our economic adolescence,
we have regarded money as a “thing”—something independent of the
relationship it facilitates. But today there is no gold or silver
backing our money. Instead, it’s created by banks when they make loans
(that includes Federal Reserve Notes or dollar bills, which are
created by the Federal Reserve, a privately-owned banking corporation,
and lent into the economy). Virtually all money today originates as
credit, or debt, which is simply a legal agreement to pay in the

Full article at Source

An alternate viewpoint on healing and AIDS

Source: http://www.shaolin.org/answers/sp-issues/paradigm.html

Alternate View-Points on Healing and AIDS.


"The Complete Book of Chinese Medicine" by Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit


I marvel at TCM and Qi gong; they have rejuvenated so-called cervical disc
degeneration within me. I look forward to hearing from you.

— Christopher, UK

Congratulations for your recovery from a so-called incurable disorder, i.e.
“incurable” from the conventional Western medical perspective.

I have tried to disseminate the following concept. Understandably there is
much resistence, but eventually the concept will get through — hopefully to
the right people. When that happens, countless people will benefit. The
concept is as follows.

Disorders like celiac disorder, cervical disc degeneration, asthma,
diabetes, cancer, viral infection, depression and many, many others are
“incurable” only when viewed from the conventional Western paradigm. A
paradigm is not a set of truths; it is only a way of viewing events and
processes, and in this case events and processes related to health and

If a particular paradigm does not work, it is only sensible to try another
paradigm, especially one that has proven to have worked for centuries. For
example, one way to view your previous health problem is to call it
“cervical disc degeneration”. The trouble is that when your problem is
viewed in this way, we come to a dead-end because conventional Western
doctors have no way to reverse the degeneration of your cervical disc.

The situation changes instantly when we view it using the traditional
Chinese medical paradigm. There may be different ways to label your
symptoms, but basically your health problem was caused by yin-yang
disharmony. This makes a big difference. When we view your problem as
cervical disc degeneration, it becomes “incurable” because there is no way
to revert the degeneration. But when we view it as yin-yang disharmony, it
becomes curable because there are many ways to restore yin-yang harmony.

One crucial point many people miss is that using a different paradigm does
not mean one has to throw away all his previous training. It means the new
paradigm enables him to enlarge his perspective so that he can put his
training to better use. Once the concept of yin-yang harmony is understood,
conventional Western doctors can use their own training and methods, such as
chemotherapy or surgery, to restore yin-yang harmony. They may not even call
it “yin-yang harmony”. They can express the same concept in different words,
such as “restoring the natural functioning of the patient to enable him to
adjust effectively to changing conditions”.

The issue of AIDS, which affects 4 out of 10 people in Africa, comes to
mind. If Western doctors and research scientists stick to the conventional
paradigm that AIDS is caused by HIV, they come to a dead-end because viruses
cannot be killed by drugs, a fact that Western doctors and research
scientists know fully well. Yet, millions of dollars and working hours are
spent on the impossible, i.e. finding a drug that kills HIV, while millions
of people suffer and die. It is amazing why the otherwise brilliant research
scientists do not attempt to view the problem from another perspective, that
of restoring yin-yang harmony.

In Western terms, instead of viewing AIDS as a result of a viral attack
(which is true), why not view it as a result of a weakening of the immune
system (which is also true)? In fact the term AIDS mean just this — Acquired
Immunity Deficiency Syndrome. We should note the word “Acquired”. It means
that AIDS is not natural; it is acquired. Before a patient acquired this
deficiency, his immune system could naturally destroy HIV! This fact is
crucial. The task therefore is to find out how to restore the natural
working of the immune system. This is possible because it is natural.

It may also be pertinent to mention that pharmaceutical companies that fund
research will not lose their potential market. In fact it is a good
opportunity for them to reap a lot of financial rewards. Instead of hoping
to find a dream drug that kills viruses, which is unlikely to occur, they
can sell real drugs that restore the natural functioning of the immune
system, which has a good chance to happen. A lot of people will also be
saved. It is a win-win policy.

Shaolin Kungfu Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit

HH: There's a lot of controversy surrounding AIDS. Jon Rappoport of
www.nomorefakenews.com has researched this thoroughly. I only have a curious
interest in the disease. To summarize the controversies (from memory):

-The test for the HIV virus detects any elevation in anti-bodies which
means if you have something as innocuous as a respiratory infection, you'll test
positive for HIV.

-The drugs used to treat AIDS are rejected chemotherapy drugs. They were
rejected because they were too toxic. This means if you take these drugs (AZT)
you toxify your body, weakening it, which leads to decreased immune system
functioning. You "Acquire" an "Immunity Deficiency Syndrome."

HH: As for qi-gong (energy exercises), I can recommend Soaring Crane Qigong
(chee-gung). It activates the main energy circuit of the body which will then be able to connect to every point of the body. Practicing SCQ will eventually
improve the health of the whole body, in a general approach. How do energy exercises heal? E=mc2.


Source: http://www.shaolin.org/general/birth-right.html

Screwing the sheeple.


Thursday, October 28, 2010
Baby Boomers: Get Out of the Stock Market Now, the Rug is Being Pulled Out By Insiders

CNBC reports insider selling-to-buying ratio for top firms is a
staggering 3177 to 1

Eric Blair

Activist Post

If you're a baby boomer who still believes in the stock market since
the financial collapse of 2008, listen up. The floor of this Ponzi
scheme is about to drop out, leaving you punching a clock for some
time to come and holding an empty retirement bag for your effort. The
engineered crash is coming and the elite are jumping ship in droves --
you should join them and get out ASAP.

Stock market insider selling has now reached record highs. The trend
has been increasing for the last several years, but now the ratios are
getting beyond ridiculous. Earlier this month, Zero Hedge reported
that the insider selling-to-buying ratio is 2341 to 1. Tyler Durden

After last week saw an insider selling to buying ratio of 1,411 to 1,
this week the ratio has nearly doubled, hitting a ridiculous 2,341 to
1. And while Wall Street's liars and CNBC's clowns will have you throw
all your money into "leading" techs like Oracle and Google, insiders
in these names sold a combined $200 million in stock in the last week

Today, CNBC reported that the insider selling activity at some of the
largest traded companies is at an all-time high. This can't be a good
sign of things to come. The article points to the analysis of Alan
Newman, a market strategist who tracks insider trading: "The
overwhelming volume of sell transactions relative to buy transactions
by company insiders over the last six months in key leading sectors of
the market is the worst . . . ever." CNBC reported that industry
leaders have a staggering 3177 to 1 insider sell-to-buy ratio:

The largest companies in three of the most important leading sectors
of the market have seen their executives classified as insiders sell
more than 120 million shares of stock over the last six months. Top
executives at these very same companies bought just 38,000 shares over
that same time period, making for an eye-popping sell to buy ratio of
3,177 to one.

The grand total for the three sectors are “as awful as we have ever
seen since we began doing this exercise years ago,” said Newman, who
was ahead on such trends as the dangers of high-frequency trading and
ETFs before the ‘Flash Crash’. “Clearly, insiders are seeing great
value only in cash. Their actions speak volumes for the veracity for
the current rally.”

Also quoted in the CNBC piece was Simon Baker, CEO of Baker Asset
Management, who said the insider data “is good reason for considerable
caution once the price action fades,” and “insiders normally buy early
and sell early too. Longer term -- 12 months out -- it is more of a
red flag.”

It's pretty difficult to excuse these levels of insider looting, but
the experts are doing their best to claim that these poor executives
(the titans of their industries) must take profits from stock sales
because their salaries and bonuses have been cut. Who do they think
they are kidding? Wall Street is still paying record salaries and
bonuses, reportedly worth $144 billion (about a $1000 for every
working American). There also has been very little news of other
industry executives taking pay cuts, as American companies are holding
record levels of cash to the tune of over a trillion dollars. In
fact, the flush-with-cash CEOs continue to blame the consumer class
for joblessness.

Despite the mass exodus of executives from their own company's stock,
the S&P continues to remain somewhat stable since gaining 16% from
July lows. Well, those gains seem somewhat pathetic since the value
of the dollar -- measured against the human inflation indexes such as
food and oil -- has plummeted. Major food commodities are up over 50%
since their July lows, while oil prices have climbed $10 to over
$81/bbl, or around 14% for the same time period, with predictions to
break the $100/bbl mark very shortly.

Barely covering the cost of real inflationary measures is hardly
success, especially with the current risks involved with being in the
stock market. These risks have only increased since the 2008
financial collapse that eventually caused the stock market to bottom
out the mid-6000 range. The market has been propped up with TARP
funds and driven by scandalous front-running by Goldman Sachs and
other large firms leading to 70% of stock purchases to be held for an
average of 11 seconds. Consequently, these robo-trading programs have
also been blamed for the freak "Flash Crash" in May where the stock
market plummeted over 900 points in just minutes.

The charade is almost up, as the bad-but-getting-even-worse main
street economy is not remotely factored in to Wall Street's casino
calculations. Truth is, most states are approaching bankruptcy,
unemployment continues to worsen, and yet another major scandal is
playing out with Fraudclosure Gate. Newman, the insider trading
expert, says, “At the risk of sounding like a broken record, we expect
a significant correction."

Unless you are an ultra-sophisticated trader with access to
front-running software, it is time to follow these insiders out of the
stock market and into real assets. As the Fed announces plans for
QE2, which the stock market actually views as a good thing, the elite
seem to be flocking to precious metals, commodities, and large
agricultural land purchases on the expectation of an even weaker
dollar. This appears to make gold, food, and oil pretty safe bets for
the average bloke.

Life in the universe.

Full articles at Sources.

We're just another rock in space.

Source: http://www.space.com/scienceastronomy/earth-sized-planets-solar-system-common-101028.html

Earth-Sized Alien Planets May Be Surprisingly Common, Study Suggests
By Charles Q. Choi
SPACE.com Contributor
posted: 28 October 2010
02:14 pm ET

There may be a bonanza of Earth-size alien worlds in the universe

More water on the Moon.

Water on the Moon: a Billion Gallons

Source: http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/water-moon-nasa-impact-probe/story?id=11939079

The Martian Mud-Bath

Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/space/8095368/Nasa-uncovers-new-life-on-Mars-evidence-after-rover-got-stuck-in-the-mud.html

Nasa uncovers new 'life on Mars' evidence after rover got stuck in the mud

Fresh evidence that water formed on Mars in potentially life
supporting environments more recently than previously thought has been
uncovered by Nasa scientists.

By Andrew Hough
Published: 7:30AM BST 29 Oct 2010

The discovery was made after the Spirit rover got stuck in the mud.
Researchers at the American space agency made the discovery after the
Mars Exploration Rover Spirit became stuck in wet ground on the red
planet earlier this year.

Astronomers have become excited by the latest discovery, which they
say proves that water favourable for life formed on the red planet
more recently than previously thought.

Nasa’s latest study, reported in the Journal of Geophysical Research,
concluded the liquid likely formed from melting snow, which then
trickled into the subsurface and dissolved.

It contained several minerals including hematite, silica and gypsum
while ferric sulphates, which are more soluble, also were carried down
by the water.

None of these minerals are exposed at the surface, which is covered by
windblown sand and dust.

“On Earth … hydrothermal systems provide the environmental conditions,
water, nutrients and energy sources needed to sustain robust microbial
communities,” concluded the Nasa team, who are based at Nasa’s Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California.

“It seems likely the region (on Mars) … may have likewise supported a
habitable environment.”

According to Nasa, the Mars explorer became stuck in April last year
when its left wheels broke through the surface’s crust called “Troy”
and fell into soft sand below.

The soil exposed by Spirit’s spinning wheels carries clues that Mars
may still be wet.

The seepage could have happened during cyclical climate changes in
periods when Mars tilted farther on its axis.

"Liquid water and life kind of go together," said Ray Arvidson, of
Washington University in St. Louis, who was involved in the project.

Nasa abandoned plans to extract the rover earlier this year.

The study comes after Nasa unveiled bold plans for send humans sent
one-way to Mars to permanently colonise other planets in space.

Buy whatever you want to, now, because prices are going to rise -big time.

Quantitive Easing = Inflation

Source: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-10-29/gold-will-outlive-dollar-once-slaughter-comes-commentary-by-john-hathaway.html

Gold Will Outlive Dollar Once Slaughter Comes: John Hathaway
By John Hathaway - Oct 28, 2010 6:00 PM PT Bloomberg Opinion

The world’s monetary system is in the process of melting down. We have
entered the endgame for the dollar as the dominant reserve currency,
but most investors and policy makers are unaware of the implications.

The only questions are how long the denouement of the dollar reserve
system will last, and how much more damage will be inflicted by new
rounds of quantitative easing or more radical monetary measures to
prop up the system.

Whether prolonged or sudden, the transition to a stable monetary
system will become possible only when the shortcomings of the status
quo become unbearable. Such a transition is, by definition, nonlinear.
So central-bank soothsaying based on the extrapolation of historical
data and the repetition of conventional wisdom offers no guidance on
what lies ahead.

It’s amazing that there is no intelligent discourse among policy
leaders on the subject of monetary rot and its implications for the
future economic and political landscape. Until there is fundamental
monetary reform on an international scale, most economic forecasts
aren’t worth the paper on which they are written.

Telltale signs of future trouble aren’t hard to spot. Only a few
months ago, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and a chorus of
other high-ranking Fed officials were talking about exit strategies
from the U.S. central bank’s bloated balance sheet and the financial
system’s unprecedented excess liquidity. Now, those same officials are
talking about pumping more money into the system to stimulate growth.

Risky Targets

And they’re not alone: Six months ago, the chief economist of the
International Monetary Fund, Olivier Blanchard, suggested that raising
inflation targets to 4 percent from 2 percent wouldn’t be too risky.

This sort of talk must grate on the nerves of our trading partners,
China, India, Russia and others, who have accumulated pyramids of
non-yielding Treasury debt. No haven there. Return- free risk may be a
better way to put it. And bickering among central bankers over
currency manipulation and rising trade tensions doesn’t exactly
reinforce one’s confidence in a scenario of sustained economic growth
and a return to prosperity.

The prospects for an orderly unwinding of the extreme posture of
global monetary policy are zero. Bernanke, Jean- Claude Trichet and
Mervyn King, his counterparts in Europe and the U.K. respectively, are
huddling en masse upon the most precarious perch in the history of
monetary affairs. These alleged guardians of monetary stability, in
their attempts to shore up the system, have simply created the
incinerator for paper money. We are past the point of no return.
Quantitative easing may well become a way of life.

No Freak Occurrence

The consensus investment view seems to be that the credit crisis of
2008 was a freak occurrence, unlikely to repeat. That is wishful
thinking. Monetary policy has painted itself into a corner. Based on
our present course, there will be more bubbles and more meltdowns.

Financial markets and institutions sense trouble, as reflected in the
flight to supposedly safe assets such as Treasuries and corporate-debt
instruments with paltry yields, as well as the reluctance to lend by
commercial banks. We are stuck in an epic liquidity trap. The irony
is, if global central banks succeed in creating inflation, the value
of these safe assets will be destroyed. It is a slaughter waiting to

In the pedantic mentality of central bankers, their playbook creates
just the right amount of inflation. As inflation accelerates,
consumers will spend to get rid of their dollars of diminishing value
and spur the economy. Once consumers start spending, it will be time
to raise interest rates because a solid foundation for prosperity will
have been established, they say.

Slender Thread

But whatever the playbook promises, the capacity of financial markets
to overshoot can’t be overestimated. The belief among policy makers
and financial markets in the possibility of this sort of fine-tuning
is preposterous, but it is the slender thread on which remaining
investment and business confidence rests.

The breakdown of the monetary system will be chaotic. When inflation
commences, it will be highly disruptive. The damage to fixed-income
assets will seem instantaneous. Foreign-exchange markets will become
dysfunctional. The economy will become even more fragile and

Gold is an imperfect, but comparatively reliable, market gauge for the
extent of current and future monetary destruction. The recent
acceleration in the dollar price of the metal to $1,381, a record high
in nominal terms, coincided with talk of a new round of quantitative
easing and highly visible discord among major nations on trade and
currency-valuation issues.

Naysayers’ Bubble

Naysayers point to gold’s price and see a bubble, without
understanding that the only acceleration that is taking place is in
the rate of decline of paper currency. The Fed is organizing an attack
on the dollar’s value, believing that this is the most expedient way
to defuse deflationary market forces. The man in the street is
unaware, a perfect setup. Inflation can only be successful when the
public doesn’t see it coming.

The sudden torrent of commentary on gold isn’t the sign of a bubble.
Anti-gold pundits provide a great service to those who grasp this
historical moment: They facilitate the advantageous positioning of the
one asset most likely to be left standing when the dust settles.

(John Hathaway is a managing director of Tocqueville Asset Management
LP in New York. The opinions expressed are his own.)

To contact the writer of this column: John Hathaway at

To contact the editor responsible for this column: James Greiff at

Get out of the way before it falls on you! (Self-Sufficiency)

Source: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/commentary/neil-reynolds/the-scary-actual-us-government-debt/article1773879/

Neil Reynolds
The scary actual U.S. government debt
OTTAWA— From Wednesday's Globe and Mail

Quantitive Easing = Inflation

Boston University economist Laurence Kotlikoff says U.S. government
debt is not $13.5-trillion (U.S.), which is 60 per cent of current
gross domestic product, as global investors and American taxpayers
think, but rather 14-fold higher: $200-trillion – 840 per cent of
current GDP. “Let’s get real,” Prof. Kotlikoff says. “The U.S. is

Writing in the September issue of Finance and Development, a journal
of the International Monetary Fund, Prof. Kotlikoff says the IMF
itself has quietly confirmed that the U.S. is in terrible fiscal
trouble – far worse than the Washington-based lender of last resort
has previously acknowledged. “The U.S. fiscal gap is huge,” the IMF
asserted in a June report. “Closing the fiscal gap requires a
permanent annual fiscal adjustment equal to about 14 per cent of U.S.

Without drastic reform, Prof. Kotlikoff says, the only alternative
would be a massive printing of money by the U.S. Treasury – and

Full Article at Source.

Outwitting tomorrow, today.


Outwitting Tomorrow by Dr. Frank E. Stranges, copyright 2000.

Available at www.nicufo.org

pages 90-91

"...As we advance in time, the strife among the masses will increase
in intensity. This is the work of the damnable dark forces. But not
everyone will be involved in this struggle. Those millions who have
chosen the 'Westward Path' are safe from the dangers of what will
ultimately be the downfall of the mass-minded ones. When the five
departments of life are well developed, each individual will
instinctively know right from wrong. Those who are representatives of
the White Forces will be well taken care of. When you know what to
expect and how to cope with each emergency as it arises, there is
nothing to fear. The ones who have 'turned West' are working with the
White Forces and will definitely know how to Outwit Tomorrow,

pages 112-113

"...Everyone has friends. You know them as guardian angels,
ministering angels, guardians, etc., and they are a gift from above.
Some children are even taught to give them a name to more easily
personalize them for the individual. And those more advanced on the
Path may intuitively know the name or names of their angels. They are
assigned to watch over and to benefit you individually. And remember
that they are not here to do everything for you. You must do it for
yourself... Know that your own personal angels are constantly at work
on your behalf and in your lives."

page 116

"...Your guardian angel has not the slightest doubt about what The
Creator intends you to be. For right before you is your PROTOTYPE.
He/she protects you from evil and directs you into becoming exactly
what God intends. (With your own help, of course). Through your
guardian angel you receive tremendous light and revelations regarding
the person you are destined to be...."

pages 132-133

"...Time is running out for us, the human family, on Earth. At this
late juncture, an organized undertaking is being made to contact and
awaken those open-minded individuals everywhere who will consider
these simple truths and their application as described carefully
within the pages of this book. Dr. Frank E. Stranges is one of those
people who was contacted over thirty years ago, was chosen and
accepted the challenge because of his dedication to presenting 'the
truth' without fear of repercussions from any quarter. He agreed to
learn and then teach the Universal Truths which will free people from
certain constraints which have held them back for centuries. This he
does through various audio, video and printed materials....

"...OUTWITTING TOMORROW, by Dr. Frank E. Stranges... contains
definitive instruction regarding specific subjects related to
Universal Laws resulting in immediate positive results for the
protection, health, prosperity and well-being of those willing to
apply them...."