Friday, August 6, 2010

Really Interesting Ideas Here.


Barbara Marciniak's, Messages from the Pleiades. I'm not sure about the quality of the other material on the above website, but Barbara Marciniak's Pleiadian Messagesare really interesting.



These teachings, which proceed from very advanced Intelligences Who exist in the distant future of our Universe, derive from the early years of The Pleiadians communicating through Barbara Marciniak. They consider the frequency of Light to be the frequency of information, and herein is poured forth a great deal of Light which is intended to illuminate the all-pervasive darkness present on the planet and to awaken the star-seeded members of The Family of Light from their sound sleep in the collective illusion of this 3rd Density Reality. The information They provide and the perspective from which it comes is unique to all of the presently available channeled works today. It is laced with humor, startling revelations, sound advice, and instructions for rapid evolutionary progress for those who are able to recognize The Light that comes in this form.


Philosophical Advice:

"You are in the great debt of disempowerment or impotence when you use the word, should, because should implies that you are operating under someone else's sovereignty. We would like to remind you that you are sovereign unto yourself. If you do not prepare your molecular vehicle to be sovereign and to own yourself and to say 'no' to people that you mean 'no' to and to own yourself, then you will get lost in The Fracas that is coming."

"Trying is not doing. Whenever you use the word, trying, you will not accomplish. It is an excuse. 'Well, I tried to do it. I tried. I tried.' Use the words, intention or doing. 'I am doing; I am creating; I am manifesting; I am intending; I am bringing about'. Not, 'I am trying'. When all else fails, intend. Intention is probably one of your most powerful tools. No one wants to accept that your thoughts create your reality, and it is that simple. You need to intend, intend, intend, and then intend more, and let it go."

"Money seems to be an issue with everyone; is it not? You all have very definitive beliefs as to how money can come to you. The more you believe that you must work hard for money, the harder you are going to have to work. When you are allowing, Spirit will compensate you in a variety of unexpected ways. It is just that you don't believe it is possible."

"You are only responsible for your children when they are within your body (during pregnancy), because then you have the divine communication inside. After that you are simply a steward, guardian, companion, friends along the way. You are not ever to maintain ownership over another human being. You have made your children your slaves. That is maintaining ownership over another. Your children are not owned by you. You are to teach, from the moment that the cord is cut, that that being is sovereign unto themselves."

"When you were a child, you did not overly deliberate about too many things. You knew what you wanted, and you went for it. Become more like your children. They are wonderful teachers."

"We have given you (humans) a name. You are Masters of Denial. If there is one thing that you are famous for throughout the Universe, it is that you are The Masters of Denial. You teach many to deny what is going on around you. You know it is true. You all think you are human beings; do you not? Guess what, you are more. You are much more. You are so much more than you believe that you are. It is absolutely incredible."

"You are a result of your thoughts, and if there is nothing else that you are going to learn upon your planet, you are going to learn that that is the rule in this reality and the rule in many other realities. Thought creates the experience. So, begin to think of yourself in a capacity that is exceptional, that is magnificent, that is uplifting and that the rest of society is not going to agree with."

"Structure reality in a way that you are comfortable with it. It is not meant to be trouble. It is meant to be lived with excitement, with the joy of life, with adventure, having a wonderful time expressing yourself in every capacity that the body is capable of by bringing upliftment and joy. Go for it! Be outrageous! Do what excites you! Do the impossible! Climb those sheer cliffs and use simply your fingernails to pull yourself up. You can do whatever you want, and you will transform your world no matter what state the world is in."

"Give yourself permission to create your reality as you want it to be created without looking for approval from someone else, particularly parents, particularly a partner. Do what feels right to you, and if you find that you are going to drift out of relationships, so be it."

"It is imperative that you remember to say, 'In joy, in safety, and in harmony, I step into the unknown'. That right away gives the parameters of what your experience will be. You must begin to design what you want your experience to be."

"It is not your job to save the world. It is your job to evolve yourself based upon what you create within your world. As you are evolving, it does not mean that you are responsible to fix and save everyone else."

"There comes the finer aspect within manifestation of when your will is appropriate and where Divine Will is appropriate. You first create your will to use it and then learn when to bow down and let your will be released and let The Will of Spirit be merged with your will. That can be very difficult." (Not my will but Thine be done, oh Lord.)

"We caution all of you on bringing too much of the past into the present and making the present full of the past and doing this over and over and over again, because after a while it feels very good. It is an addictive type of behavior. When you cycle back through your old patterns, you are kidding yourself that you are making changes. You have to be able to drop behavior that is not moving you forward. Stop creating your future based upon what you have experienced in the past. Your future, for every one of you, is very, very different than anything you have ever experienced before."

"We like to remind everyone, don't give your power away to anyone. Love freely. Love yourself first. Love others, and use the world and everything as a mirror. Never are you to worship anyone."

"Say to yourself, 'I wish to be in impeccable knowing at all times. I trust that every decision that I make is the correct one and that I do not waste any time wondering or worrying about what I will do. I will simply do it when I feel like it, and that is it, in the moment'. As you start to say this and define yourself in this way, you automatically become this way."

"Live a quiet, peaceful life with conscious intent, knowing that just because all of your neighbors experience something else, you won't because you don't believe it. You can, literally, turn your land into a Findhorn, a place that can sustain you, by using the energy to grow things, by using the energy and pulling it into your body and intending its direction, directing energy, not following anyone's dictates to go here and do this or do that, realizing that there is a great gift coming your way. Direct it; use it. Make yourself an empty vessel to be available for this opportunity."

"The frequency of information, We say, is Light. The frequency of creation is Love."

The Prime Creator:

"We have said often enough that consciousness is within all things and that First Cause, The Prime Creator, God in Its own personal implosion through love endowed all things with consciousness and love. All things are First Cause on First Cause's Journey attempting to realize that."

"The evolution of consciousness and the ability to house information is what allows one to come into the proximity of The Prime Creator. Many people upon your planet have felt that they have merged with God. They have merged with a portion of God that best suits their vibration at the time. The Vibration of God would destroy all of you in an instant because you cannot house that much information."

"We respect Who you call God, and We refer to This One as The Prime Creator, First Cause. We would also like to add that there is more than one Prime Creator if you can conceive of that kind of vastness."

"The Prime Creator is always discovering that It is The Child of another Creation. It is a process of self-discovery of awareness. Remember, consciousness is within all things, and consciousness was never invented. It was. Even for Us, We are having our own cosmic awareness as to Who is Who in the ballgame of The Cosmos. Who God is is constantly being redefined and removed beyond what We thought it was."

The Tribulation:

"Time is beginning to squeeze itself up upon you, and if you do not act things can become moving into discomfort. You have a few more years before things are going to be so topsy-turvy and so hectic that at that point, if you do not live your life in the true eminence of light as you have volunteered to be, it could be too late. In other words, if you are going to procrastinate, then you will be washed into the undertow of the tidal wave as it comes, perhaps literally."

"All the stability and all the security that you have been trained to hope for in your life is going to be completely and totally unavailable. The whole pie-in-the-sky American dream is going to go down the drain, and it's a darn good thing because the whole pie-in-the-sky American dream is based on the solid 3-D material world."

"We will say to you that there will be a great exodus of the light workers from your cities. Properties that are high (in elevation), that are having the southern exposures, that are having their own source of water are going to be very, very much in demand but not so much for one person to live upon, because no one is going to be able to be sovereign completely unto themselves as far as being self-sufficient."

"It can be one of the most rewarding experiences of this lifetime for you to live in cooperation with a group of people who love the land and who get the land, The Earth, to respond. In loving the land and in letting The Earth know what you are after, The Earth will nurture you and take care of you. By having a communion of love and energy with the land, you can begin to create large blossomings and fruit yields on plants like The Project Findhorn (Scotland)."

"You are going to want to live surrounded by those who have a like mind. You are not going to want to be hours away from those who think like you. It is important to build a community of Light. When each of you pulls Light into the body and you come together, it magnifies and everything becomes much more effortless when you pool the source of intent together."

"You are going to need to work in cooperation to provide services and to share in the changing, the shift of consciousness. Many of those people, who are stuck in the cities when The Changes come, are going to be in great discomfort. As We see it, these communities that will be set up and which will dot the surface of your particular country everywhere will be a cooperation. They will be a test in living together. Many people will be challenged. There will be some difficulties that will come out because it will not be all flowers and roses."

"The technology that will be used in these communities will be technologies based upon love. There is nothing wrong with technology. The major stumbling block of technology on your planet is that it is used to separate and to manipulate and control Man rather than to uplift Man. Technology with love is the key. Many people will be given a great amount of inventions and information that will seemingly come out of nowhere."

"As We see it, there will be a tremendous underground market of inventions that will never be patented, that will never be shown upon the marketplace because you would be wiped out, snuffed out if it was known that you had this ability. There will be great trading from one community to another of these underground technologies that will do all kinds of things for you."

"As We see it, the most probable structures that are going to be the most influential in the coming times will be communities that will form on tracts of land that will be anywhere from 50 to 100 acres, perhaps as small as 25 acres. These groups may house anywhere between 30 and 100 people, and they will come together because they will respond to an inner knowing."

"The Earth speaks to those who occupy It. Whenever an area can no longer sustain you, it is nature's way of saying, 'Move before We really cannot sustain you any longer'. Pay attention to these kinds of things. In The Western Coastal Areas, many will be moved to move, to relocate, because of the pressure on the basic day-to-day existence in life. You will find that water will become a very severe problem on your planet. You will find that there will come a time where some people will be in line to apply for fresh water. There will be a fight eventually over fresh water all over your world."

"Believe it or not, people, there will come a time when you will shut the door on life as you now know it. Literally, you may give up the house that you have and walk out of it with perhaps a few possessions. You would be following Spirit. Spirit will come in and guide you to tell you what is the most important thing for your survival. Some of you, literally, in this life will stand on the threshold of your houses and look within, and it will all be meaningless because the most important thing will be your spiritual values and your life. And all of those material possessions and all of those collections of things and all of the bills and all of the life will mean nothing in light of what will be coming."

"Can you imagine the events that will be needed to move you to that action? These events are not going to be simply small events. They will be perhaps earth-shattering events, literally. What about when some major cities in The United States begin to collapse? How do you think that you would feel if you awake someday and you find that there has been a tear in The Earth from New York City down to Washington, DC? Enough to shake you up a little bit? Enough to restructure your life perhaps, to revalue? It will one day be nothing for 20 million to disappear in one fell swoop!"

"If you are going to hold onto your televisions and all of your possessions, your furniture, your paintings, your artwork, your trust funds, and all of these things, well you will struggle in 3rd dimensional reality (3rd Density)."
"Begin to realize that opportunity will be disguised as loss, and that will be a trial, an initiation that each of you must pass so that you can connect into a higher form of purpose with others that will add to your pieces of the puzzle so that you can create something grander. You are all going to be tested on what you are willing to give up in order to gain. You can count on that one as being a part of your spiritual initiation. Trust that something that you have clutched and clung to, that has held you back from growing because you did not want to release it will literally be ripped from you if you do not let it go."

"Trust that in some way you will be provided for, and follow your impulses. There is very little that you can do now to create financial security because the whole system is coming down, because the whole system is basically locked into the physical world, and it pretends that there is no other world except 3-D. Money says that there is only 3-D and that there is no other way of being provided for."

"In the years that are coming, putting your money into land would be very valuable. To put your money into tradable commodities would be advisable. If you are heavily invested or lightly invested in insurance policies, IRA's, CD's, the stock market, We would advise that you liquidate because that is not the place for your money to be. There is going to be a devaluation of your dollar. There is going to be eventually a heavy taxation of your dollar. There is eventually going to be an instigation of a new currency within your country, and eventually there is going to be a tremendous crunch, or so it is planned, that will come down upon the people."

"It is important to have as your primary belief that you will be in the right place at the right time doing the right thing. And it is important for you to liquidate some of the assets that you have. In other words, if you are heavily tied up in the different money schemes, if you wait too long, it is going to be shot. We have recommended that you invest your money in gold or silver, small bits of gold and silver, coins, etc. because these will grow in value as they become more and more scarce upon your planet. They are still the basic form of barter."

"The economic collapse will last for a long time. It is not going to be 1 or 2 years. It is going to be, historically speaking, a world-wide depression like nothing that this planet has ever seen. Through that depression will come self-awareness, self-empowerment, and eventually through that will come the inventions, will come the 'Divine Visitations'. The World Order that will come will be a New Cosmic Order upon your planet after much skirmishing that will occur within your skies. Your skies are going to be full."

"Intending that you will be in the right place at the right time, more than intending it, knowing it, will open you up to divine guidance. In the times that are coming, if you are going to depend upon the logical mind to analyze and hack to death decisions that need to be made in a split second, guess what. Your life may depend upon it, and you may find yourself instantly translated if you do not trust what you know (intuitively). Trusting what you know is imperative."

"You are in for your own personal evolution, and how that evolution is going to come about worldwide is going to be rather interesting. We are talking about the evolution of the species (Humanity). There will need to be some events to bring people to awakening, and that is why We have said that it is going to be your challenge to live your life with courage, the courage to live your light. Consciousness is building and building and building, and this is the time that was designed for it to implode upon the species."

"Always does the outside world represent to you what is going on internally. So, if the world is going to fall apart, what does that represent? It represents the falling apart or the collapsing of what is inside in order to create the arriving of a new system, a new energy."

"You are responsible for yourself. It is none of your business to 'save' anyone else, especially members of your family. Each person has their own free will. If you wish to assist others, family members in particular because this is going to be an issue with all of you, use intention. Have conversations with The Higher Self of the person involved.

"You are going to find a great outbreak of new diseases and discomforts on the planet. Many people will move into disease of the nervous system because the nervous system cannot vibrate with the higher frequency if the body is not prepared, if the light is not allowed to come in."

"You will experience a number of years that will seemingly be steeped in fear, in doubt, and all kinds of confusion and great discomfort, and illness will pass over a number of species upon your planet, meaning that many people will move into translation (death) of the human body or many people will move into sickness. The sickness of the nervous system will be the most prevalent disease of the times."

"The people of this planet were programmed for this time, and there is no one here, who is incarnated upon the planet, who can say that they made a mistake and that they came here not knowing what was going to occur."

"Part of what these times are involving and evolving into is that many of you will leave relationships, and many of you will come apart from friends and from families, from lovers and husbands and boyfriends and girlfriends because they are not going to live their light at the same vibrational rate that you are."

"Many power sites, many areas that are coded to evolve human consciousness are not upon the land masses at this time as you know it. They are beneath the surface. As a result of the evolving consciousness, there will be changes upon the surface of The Earth where things that have been in preservation will now be unveiled and uncovered, and the present antiquities so valued by your archeologists will be destroyed so that other things of greater value may come."

"We have said that holographic inserts, holographic realities are formulated, designed, and inserted into other realities on The Earth. It is as if your Earth is on a dimensional collision course, and a whole bunch of dimensions or probabilities are going to intersect one another soon. Some of these realities are going to be shocking, and some may involve encountering beings that you never even realized existed before. Shock simply alters the way you view reality. Whenever you are shocked by something, you can no longer grip reality the way you gripped it the moment before. Global realities will seem to come tumbling down only for those whose reality needs to crumble."

"The Earth knows what It is doing. When the earth's surface is polluted enough, The Earth will clean Itself. You are not going to destroy Earth. The Earth can clean Itself up by moving and shaking and twisting and covering up what is here and, in its own right, allowing this all to take place. The Earth takes care of Itself. It is going through its own Initiation."


"There have been implantations within the human species that have been involved in the abduction scenario where certain human beings have been implanted in various places within the physical body, where a device has been put within them. In this capacity, these people are monitored. Not only are they monitored, but they are communicated with. It is the most effective methodology of communicating with the human species as it is at this time, and there are multitudes of types of implantations."

"Energy is being beamed to your planet by a sequence of Mother Ships that are making an arc or a large circle, an intersecting circle, around your planet. These Ships are beaming to you constantly energy that is coming from the deepest portions of space. These Ships are inter-dimensional Mother Ships. Many of them are in excess of 500 to 1,000 miles in diameter. They are likened unto small asteroids."

"There has been this tremendous influx of Mother Ships surrounding your planet. They are now acting as intermediaries or, perhaps let Us say, as literally transducers of energy. The beams of light that come to your planet come from old and ancient star systems, star systems that have been working with your planet for eons and eons."

"These beams are now being caught by quite a number of Mother Ships surrounding your planet. As they are caught by The Mother Ships, they are able to be filtered through an entirely different system and then to be blasted onto the planet. These are communication devices, and each and every humanity ideally is set up to receive this communication. As We said, many of the humans have an implant inside of them to respond to the communication and to bypass the psychotronic warfare and interference that would keep your frequencies jammed and keep you from being able to receive this information."

"Many of you will find that it will be like turning on your own radio. You will have a direct telepathic link with The Mother Ships that will be broadcasting to you. The wealth of information that will come will be of great reassurance. It will be a broadcast to fill you in on what is happening upon the planet when you are out of touch with what is happening upon the planet."

"Those beings that are surrounding your planet at this time, that represent The Higher Councils of Light, are all going to communicate with you through a capacity that you will interpret as knowings. Sometimes some of them will appear upon your television sets. Sometimes these communications will come over your radio frequencies. But most of all it will come through an inner knowing. It is that inner knowing that you are going to need to trust beyond all shadow of a doubt to be able to communicate with these entities."

"You will also find that the more trusting that you become with this linkup, this cosmic radio contact, you will be able through your own volition to manifest before you a Light Entity that will come physically and begin to teach you in the presence of yourself. Eventually, channeling will be a type of teaching that will be no longer, because each of you will be able to manifest your own Being who will teach you and any others that you wish to gather to yourself. This is the evolution into super-consciousness, the evolution into the highest aspect of your being, the portion of your being that you are attempting to remember at this time."

"Many of you will take trips upon ships. Many of you will be taken to various portions of your solar system. This is true."

"There are some space ships that will come into areas that will be of potential devastation and take off some (humans) and remove some from the planetary scene."

"There have been nuclear detonations stopped (by the galactic observers). You would have blown your planet up over and over again if there was not interceding. It has been going on for many, many years. Many times you have been interceded with because, first of all, you have been in the practice of exploding these weapons into space, and that was put a halt to rather quickly. It cannot be allowed. You have been exploding them underneath the earth's surface. You have been exploding them within the oceans. You have found extra-terrestrial bases decades ago and have exploded nuclear weapons on these beautiful places of being that were built underneath the ocean."

"In your Western Mystery Schools, much is based upon the secrets of what The Atlanteans remembered. In The Eastern Mystery Schools the secrets and information are based upon a manuscript passed down through families from priest to priest based upon a direct experience with extra-terrestrials. Every mystery that you study, every magic, every phenomenon or abnormality, will all lead you to an extra-terrestrial source, because you are their project. We call them 'creator gods'."

The Bird Gods:

"How many cultures honor a 'god' that is a bird figure? The Mayans, The Egyptians, everywhere you look you will find the wings of birds. Very often, these wings will be around a sphere that is represented as the sun or a planet. It is the old symbolism that says these winged beings came from another system. These winged beings are some of your 'creator gods'. They can take the form of man and bird combined. They are master geneticists. They play with genetics. They are one of the groups that helped formulate you."

"They have an incredible history. They operate with Light. They are one version of The Kingdom of Consciousness of Light. They have influenced many, many cultures in many ways. They have cross-bred themselves with other cultures. They have sub-split inside of themselves. They have worked with, around, and against The Lizards. If you look on the glyph walls in Egypt, in particular, you will see that many times the birds are faced in combat or faced in readiness against the serpents. Many times you will find the serpents as guardians twined around."

"Unfortunately upon your planet you have so convinced yourselves that Man is the highest form of consciousness that you have created a supreme delusion. Part of the shock that is going to come to this planetary system is that intelligence takes other forms."

"These 'Birds' play behind the scenes, and they take many, many different opportunities to teach you. They simply have not come into the picture yet. They provided part of the DNA for humans. They were master geneticists, master. They were able to use the DNA of many different creations to bring about a finer tuning, a finer instrument."

"Their representatives, the birds on this planet, are everywhere, in every land. The birds are the last ones to set the sun down and the first ones to bring it rising. And the sun, of course, is what? Light. And Light is what? Information. And We have said to you that these 'Bird Gods' come from the sun. They are really masters at creating themselves. Think about the birds on your planet. What species carries more color than the birds? What species is able to utilize the harmonics of sound? What species totally evolves itself either in the light cycle or the dark cycle?"

Food Awareness:

"There is going to be a great shift in food awareness. What is happening now is that the food supply is extremely toxic. That is why many of you are going to move back to your land and at least be growing what you need to grow in conjunction with your Earth. You will move away from fungicides and pesticides and fertilizer and all of these things because you will realize that these events have been simply a scam."

"You were told that this was the best way to farm. You don't need these things. You speak to The Earth, and you tell The Earth what you want. You speak to the bugs and the creatures, and you plant a little bit for the animals so that they have their own garden and let The Earth provide for you. When you are in tune with The Earth, The Earth will give you exactly what you need."

"You, as a species, have removed yourselves from eating food that nourishes you. You are eating dead food. Not only are you eating dead food, you are eating food that, as We said, is filled with toxins. You can transmute with your thought anything within your body. Your body is quite capable of transmuting even the harshest of poisons, however it takes a great amount of difficult swimming upstream to do it, and if you are going to expend all of your energy into transmuting a sloppy diet you will miss out on using your energy in many other ways."

"There will be new foods that will come upon your planet. There will also be substances that are going to come out of The Himalayas and out of The Ukrainian Area that have been used by people to maintain longevity and health for thousands and thousands of years."

"You believe that you must ingest a certain amount of food to feel nourished and full, when in actuality you will find that your eating habits will drastically change. The 'high spectrum' diet is what you will be eating in order to lift yourself up to a higher light spectrum. Many of you cannot ingest the meat products much longer. Also, there is more poison in the fish than perhaps there is in the chickens that are in the warehouses. It has been a big cover-up from you."

"So, if you are going to eat these things, eat them in small amounts, bless the food, bless the journey that the creature has been on to bring itself to your palate, and intend with clarity that your body is able to assimilate. There may come a time, and it may hit each of you at a different time, when with certain foods you will get very sick. You may feel as if you have received poison. If and when this occurs, bless it and look to it as a sign that you are ready at that moment to change your dietary practices."

"It is too bad but your entire food chain is rather polluted. Even the products of the garden are all irradiated and filled with all kinds of things, so it is difficult to find something that is nourishing. So, part of the diet that many of you are going to be led to will be back to the land where you will grow your own food, and you will eat very simply."

"You will find that when you begin to prepare your own foods and when you prepare them with love and share them with love, the food which you have grown, you will find that there will be a whole different vibration that fills your being. You will not have to starve because you won't need that much food. The closer you go to light, the less food you will need to eat. Not that you will stop eating, although that could come eventually, but you will not starve. You will find that a little bit will sustain you, because The Light Body, given the proper kind of food, can sustain Itself for long periods of time. There will come a time when food will not be required."

The Dark Forces:

"There are a few individuals who determine the course of history in this country (U.S.A.) and the countries of the world. Your Mr. Bush (H. W.) is a prime player and orchestrator of the game. He has been schooled from the time when his cord was cut as to who he would be. This is one of the grandest triumphs that these world movers have had to get someone the likes of him to be the president of this country. They have moved him from one position to another to get him to this place, and you would be best not to believe a thing that he says."

"Take it from Us, your government is up to all kinds of shenanigans. You can rest assured that your financial crisis is on course and that the institutions are crumbling as predicted and that there will be more and more without jobs, and more and more will be scapping and starving."

"The AIDS virus is a culling of the species. The awareness was first discovered in the late '50's, and between the late '60's and the early '70's within the scientific community in The United States it became quite clear that the population trends, as they were moving, could decimate the planet. So, what they did was create the psychotronic warfare and the biological warfare."

"The psychotronic warfare has to do with the various frequencies that are beamed to your planet, not only from satellites, but from different devices that are on your planet that control and can control your moods, your sexual appetites, your depressed or anti-depressed state, etc. AIDS was an example in mind control as well as germ warfare. Believe it or not, the big boys play hard ball. And when you get close to exposing it to the people you are eliminated."

"AIDS is a form of diseasement that has been put upon your planet as a plague. It is part of an extra-terrestrial manipulation to control the population in actuality. Those extra-terrestrials who control the planet are looking to depopulate the planet not to populate it."

"Many of you have no idea of the extent of developement that technology has taken on your Earth. It is, of course, hidden away from you under the title of national security. You have not been kept current as to what it is possible to manufacture and make."

"Anger is going to become a very prevalent reaction on this planet. Why do you think certain members of The World Management Team have foreseen this kind of anger among the populations, and why do you think there are certain legislations that are being passed to attempt to control people who get into this vibratory rate of anger? Much of this control is being practiced and utilized by forces that are on a psychotronic level. They will beam things on television to calm people down or change them."

"The television frequency is like a lock. The frequency is hypnotizing. It encaptures your consciousness, your intelligence, and then your intelligence cannot focus any other place. It is almost like being in prison. It imprisons your awareness so that your awareness becomes addicted to or locked into a vibratory rate, and it does not seek anything else. It becomes subdued, hypnotized."

"It will be discovered one day that all of those who have debilitating diseases in their body are chronic television watchers. Habitual television equates with discomfort and disease in the body. Additionally, what more than likely will occur is that broadcasts coming from off-planet will take over the air waves, and these televisions will be broadcasting whatever others want them to broadcast whether they are on or not. Those who want to utilize these devices can simply activate them."

"Those who are members of The World Management Team pride themselves on the job that they are doing running the globe at this time. They own and operate the media, and they decide quite selectively. You can be certain that they are very selective about the news and about what you are told. For example, the moon landing was an orchestrated event, and you have been on your moon much longer than your scientists and your television have acknowledged. When one owns the mind control machines, one can put any story on that one wants."

"Beings, when they wish to move your consciousness very quickly, they construct realities and insert them like holograms into your reality and create huge diversions, distractions, movement of consciousness instantaneously. That is what the holographic insert can be used for. They are done by extra-terrestrials. They are done in the cloak and guise of what is called religion. They are usually done to create a boundary under which you can be controlled, under which you can be operated."

"Gold will go up once the dollar is devaluated and once the new money is put on your market. There are plans to call some of the bills out of circulation. The larger bills are going to be called in. Once you see this coming, this is the beginning. We are seeing that once your larger bills are called in, first they will be given an even exchange, and then there will be some orchestrated catastrophe to exchange things further. Once the full thing is in orchestration and the new money is in hand, the gold will be very valuable. It will only go up and up and up. It will be very valuable because no one will have it."

"The plan is for a world economy. Yet that plan, as We see it, will never completely come about. However, all the events that are being orchestrated in that name are going to make life very interesting, and they are going to bring you to a place of awareness and self-empowerment."

"There is going to be a locking upon all funds within the banks. Those people who are looking to own you don't operate to any God. They operate through control and power, and they have so much money that it does not matter. They are simply wanting to keep people from awareness. You forget that these people who are in charge, who have been in charge for so long, are very aware. They have studied in the mystical circles. They have incarnated as their own children and their own grandchildren over and over and over again. They are some of the darkest people that have ever walked the surface of a planet, and they are going to be your liberators to light. They don't care. They are simply looking for control over the world."

"There are documents 12,000 to 13,000 years old that point to this time as the time of the battle between Light and Dark. And these beings will do everything in their power to act with impeccability their part."

"Energy is free. If your scientists could allow the revolution that is needing to take place inside of their ranks, and if so many who know would begin to speak up, there would become an overthrowing of all the industries, particularly oil (petroleum), that are completely unnecessary. Oil is completely barbaric. A monopoly has convinced the world that you need this, and you certainly do not. Lives have been threatened for bringing in alternate substances (for energy)."

"The politics within this particular sector of existence are far more complex than you have ever been led to believe. There is a branch of your World Government that deals exclusively with the politics of an inter-cosmic nature. This is quite real. Those who are presently in charge of your world, The World Management Team, are looking to see how they can further work to introduce these off-planetary consciousnesses into the existence of your Earth by allowing your Earth to meet its owners, allowing your Earth to meet those that have been controlling your planet."

"Your school systems were designed to discount your feelings and to discount your imaginations and to have you trained to perceive according to logic. There was a great plan designing your school systems. Energies 200 years ago were informed how to control the species through the process of education. The World Management Team of 200 years ago began to form your universities."

"The Solar Plexus (The Manipura Chakra) is the area of perception. It is the area that is without the interference of the logical mind, which the brain has been trained to operate in up until now. They didn't train The Solar Plexus area of the body. They trained you to discount anything within the body and not to trust it and to become suspicious of the imagination. We are saying to you that this area of the body is like a gold mine. It is a gift for you."

"The whole society is controlled by fear. There is a whole society that has been moved to keep their jobs based upon the idea of intimidation and that they need their jobs in order to survive. You don't need jobs to keep yourselves going. You can manifest what you want, but it is as if you argue for the limitations that your society has fed you with mind control."

"You can rely upon your ability to commandeer reality to simply bring you what you want, to have money manifest for you, to have prosperity, to have nurturing and security simply be available for you. Completely erase the idea that you need to work hard for it or that someone would tell you that you don't deserve it for free. That is what stops you from getting it. You have been programmed with the idea that you must work in order to be compensated."

The Family of Light:

"As members of The Family of Light you are sent on assignment to go in to alter a system. You have been trained to handle incredible amounts of energy. There are many individuals on the planet at this time who are specialists. The Family of Light is here in the millions. There are other Families of Consciousness. When the time is right, you will find that there will be many, many, many millions who will pool their energies together. Your assignment is to bust the system to make it available to have choice and then let the availability of choice begin to create a New World simply by bringing the potentiality to The Human Race."

"There is a combination, a collective of many energies who are working together now that The Earth has been found again and who are working to bring in the frequency of Light. The frequency of Light is the frequency of information. You came from outside of this system to go into it. You came from the future. There are Those whose job it is to assist an energy (a being) in the intricacies of inserting itself into a reality with all of the necessary built-in programs. As members of The Family of Light, you were inserted with certain plans. You were designed to respond to words, to energies, to faces, to smells, to artifacts, to many things. That is what it means to be encoded. You were programmed from the inside to react or to respond when certain outside stimuli hit you. There will be an ongoing communication to move you as Those Who oversee the planet use the plan of others to bring things about."

"You, as members of The Family of Light, were inserted onto Earth from the future back into time to alter a probability (of tyranny throughout The Universe in the future). You had to forget for a while about knowing that you are on assignment, because then you wouldn't play the part out very well. Perhaps you would be noticed, so you came in disguise, acting normal, passing as normal humans, always wondering why you were so weird and different from everyone else."

"When you begin to recognize yourself as a member of The Family of Light, you realize that there is a Host of Energy that has been quite aware of who you are for a long time. They have just been waiting for you to know it. Once you are certain of it, you can begin to have all of the assistance that you ever dreamed of."

"The Family of Light knows that the way you are going to spread data is by telepathy and energy. You don't need the media. You simply need to be keepers of frequency, to hold what it is that you know and then broadcast it out. There is no stopping it."

"Your job is to have a good time, to be clear about your availability, and to be clear about the assignment that has been given to you -- that you are a keeper of frequency and that you are here to defy the laws as they have presently been stated to Man. In other words, everything that you have been taught about this place, you are to defy. You are to defy everything, to change the paradigm that drastically, and you are to have a good time doing it. You are not to be overly concerned about the plans. Sometimes it is really none of your business."

"Without the insert of The Family of Light, your world is headed for destruction. First of all, it has been under control for all of this time. Without the insert from the future of The Family of Light, without the '60's to activate the codings of many members of The Family of Light, there would be a take over. You change everything by your presence."

"As you make a certain frequency available and as the humans make the choice for change, they begin to insert something into a reality that is needed millions of years into the future. They begin to stand up to a tyranny that has taken over This Universe far into the future where worlds are dying because there is no love. So, what occurs is that from this kernel in time We and many Others are instigating the erasure of a probable Universe where love and freedom are forgotten, where they have no context."

"We have said to you that you are multi-dimensionally seeded into different sentient civilizations and that, as members of The Family of Light, you often take roles where you are the ones who are striving to bring balance back into The Family of the dissenting extra-terrestrials (The Dark Lizards)."

"During these times, many people will learn to merge with their Future Selves. In other words, Beings that are you, that presently live upon other planets, that are in the employ of Galactic Councils, that work with you upon Earth and that communicate with you continuously and act as an intermediary between you and The Galactic Councils to fill The Councils in on the task that you have volunteered to do, are quite commonplace. You will begin, in the times that are coming, to awaken these memories as to the multiplicity of your own consciousness. This is what We call super-consciousness, to realize that you exist in many realities at once and that you can communicate with the other portions of yourself to empower yourself and to bring yourself to greater knowledge."

"Those of you who are tremendously knowledgeable decided to incarnate in the species to empower the species and to be an example for the rest who cannot do it for themselves. You asked for a tremendous amount of reminders, a tremendous amount of encouragement along the way. That is why We are here, basically."

"The Family of Light is supported by the frequency of love, as you are now beginning to realize. As We said way back in the beginning, the love frequency without the light frequency wreaks havoc. So, first came light, which is information. Then came love."

"You represent Light. You, literally, hold information that you are being designed to pull into your body and then disseminate into the world. You are what We call Reality Raiders, Family of Light, Guardians of Earth."

"Your brain has an outrageous capacity. You are operating, most humans, at the 5-6% range. The Family of Light is closer to 10-11% as they awaken. You will move into increased brain capacity by intention, number 1, and by drinking plenty of water, replacing the essence of your being, and by deep-breathing. Oxygen pulled into the system begins to feed the system and begins to awaken tiny fibers of light, light-encoded filaments (DNA). Loving yourself is one of the ways as well."

"As a Family of Consciousness, you have agreed to evolve together. This is your plan. Part of your plan to take over this planet, to raid this reality, is that the large majority of you come into simultaneous awareness. You are keyed for this."

"You are literally set up and guided into events. We don't want to demean your existence, but sometimes as Family of Light you are designed to be puppets, tools through which Higher Consciousness reaches you and works in a field where It needs a representative. In order for Us to be effective on your planet, the human vehicle is our way of anchoring our vibration more deeply onto The Earth."

"For a while you will be very anonymous. You are not meant to be on the front pages of your newspapers. You are meant to be cruising the back streets and alleys of this planet maintaining a completely anonymous identity, being guided and led through avenues of experience that you have no idea of."

"Now is the time to begin to network and to literally share what you have with one another. It is time to join forces and still stay anonymous, to work in a quiet certainty, to bring great conviction of purpose and meaning into your lives so that you can begin to perceive what lies ahead for you and to understand that as you command yourself to be protected, and as you command the safety of your experience, it is done."

"Remember that memory can be inserted. Some of you think that you have lived throughout the whole past up to your present. We would remind you right now that many of you come from the future and that you have memory insert."

"You are in disguise as humans, and each of you has selected a parentage that, through its own genealogy, carried vestiges or codings of ancient recessive knowledge hidden in the DNA. You all picked up recessive genes that made it easier for you to remember who you were. The rest of the population, in general, does not have this."

"When you open your body to Light, you open a flow of intelligence. You agree to perform a certain task, and you are constantly led to that task by other portions of yourself until you either rise or you are destroyed. You have the choice. You had the choice to open to Light or not."

"It is not your job to save the world. The world and The Divine Plans will take care of themselves. The Earth is going through its own Initiation. It knows what It is doing. It is you, yourself, that is to anchor frequency inside of yourself, which then creates a new global consciousness and makes it available."

"You must all learn to become in tune to the silent commands, to the silent teachings that will come to each and every one of you. We are simply here to remind you that We are the outside symbol of what is being directed to you in silence or in symbols, in any way that you receive the data."

The Major Chakras:

"The Chakra System is greatly overwrought within the human species. Most people on this planet are not in vibration past The 2nd Chakra. Most people are in the lower 2 Chakras of the body. They are not even in The Feeling Center (The Manipura Chakra), and if they do move into The Feeling Center, there is so much fear, they are so uncomfortable being there that they go back into the lower Centers which draw them to comfort in the material world."

"You must understand that The 7 Chakras inside of your body each have a certain movement that feeds information electromagnetically into the body. The rate of movement is the rate that energy is assimilated and run through a particular system. When you have Chakra Centers that are shut down, energy does not flow through easily. It gets stuck. It gets blocked, and then sometimes you create difficulty on and around the stopped up, blocked energy by creating dramas and issues, etc."

"Through prana, bringing oxygenation into the system, breath enters the body in a vortex, in a spin, so that when you deep breathe and you oxygenate the system and bring this spinning aspect into the body, you automatically remind The Vortex Centers to spin themselves. Prana activates The Centers."

"Toning automatically increases the spinning of The 7 Chakras in the body and The 5 outside. When you tone, you spin all of The Chakras at once, and you open a funnel so that information can flood into your body. You become, when you tone, incredible broadcasting vortices of energy."

"If you would love and honor The Feeling Center (The Manipura Chakra) and honor the emotions for the richness that they can share with you, then once you open The 3rd Center and you really allow yourself to go into the depth of your emotional expression and your emotional history in this body, then 3 more strands of DNA will come in automatically, because you will have activated a completion of a blueprint."

"Then you work with the next 3 Chakras, The Heart, The Throat, and The Vision. This has to do with tremendous trust, trust that no one is going to break your heart, that no one is going to destroy you, having compassion for what everyone is creating for lessons, trust that you can speak out and that nothing is going to harm you, and then trusting the visions that come to you."

"Then you are ready to connect your physical body with the non-physical Energy Centers (Chakras), and this pattern opens 3 more. You work with an energy that is of a glorious nature, honoring the self, working with the auric field, and moving in and out of the body, then moving off the planet and viewing the planet as a collective, as a whole, as a community, as a body of intelligence, because you now see it as you are on it and off of it. Then you connect with The Solar, The Galactic, and The Universal (The 10th, 11th, and 12th Chakras)."

"Anything that is associated with a Chakra Center that you are afraid to experience or that you have a block on comes up. The Base Chakra is survival. The 2nd One is sexuality and creativity. The 3rd One is perception, power, will, and feeling. You can see that most people are working on The First 3. You can't hide from yourself what these energies are."

"When you pull energy into your body, you literally are asking to be illuminated in your blocked areas. When you pull Light into the body, you are shining The Light on what you are hiding from yourself. So, almost immediately what you are hiding from yourself or what keeps you from growing into greater awareness you outpicture as a drama outside of yourself."

History Lessons:

"We have said that you hold the history of The Universe in one cell (see "The Living Library"). The history of your Universe is within your physical body, and you are all, as a species, being biogenetically altered by beings who created you, by beings who redesign your DNA at periodic junctures within your history. Sometimes it is 5,000 years. Sometimes it is 25,000 years."

"Remember, there have been civilizations that have come onto your planet 900 million years ago for one example. You are Modern Man as We call It, and Modern Man has been fooled with and evolved with for hundreds of thousands of years."

"There are civilizations that are very deep beneath the polar ice caps. There have been a number of digs, and there has been much scurrying of information, and there have been discoveries that have been made, particularly in the southern polar cap, in Antarctica, that no one is going to breathe a word to you about. That is why there is so much international activity around The Antarctic Area. There are many digs that have gone on under the ice because many things have been discovered. Many things were picked up through your technology, through satellites and the reading of infra rays."

"In The North American Continent there have been ancient civilizations. There are many ancient sacred sites in North America. The consciousness of this country is not evolved enough to make sense of the story, so that anything that would be uncovered would be unrecognizable. In order for many of the mysteries in your North American Continent to reveal themselves, consciousness must evolve and demonstrate greater responsibility."

"There are metallic capsules that carry great histories of what has gone on on this planet, and some of The Earth Changes will bring them to the surface, and they will fall into the correct hands. Rest assured. Everything has a plan."


"Many of you will make an extraordinary leap off of this planet, and you will participate, when you leave this planet, in The Ascension Process. We can convince you of many things, yet it is difficult for Us to convince you of the idea that you do not have to physically leave your body behind here upon this planet. Conceive of the idea that you will simply change the vibrational rate of the physical being and take the body with you because you have rearranged the molecular structure."

"Some of you have already Ascended off of this planet, and you have come back to do it again, to show the way. If you consciously knew in this moment what it would be to Ascend, you would get the hell out of here now. That is why you have forgotten. The veil (of forgetfulness) is very important. It was a grand journey to get out of here with The Ascension Process in the first place, and it took lifetimes of training, one upon the other, to bring yourself to dedication, not living in material society, basically living very close to Nature to do it, being very committed."

"It is your goal to Ascend off of this planet and to be taken, literally, up into the higher cosmology of Ships, of Mother Ships, into The Cities of Light and to be able to dwell in the other realities that are all around you that you simply do not permit the 3rd dimensional eyes to see. This is the goal upon this planet. There will come a time when that will be the only way that the people who live upon this land will depart from it."

"Once you make The Ascension, you are not going to want to cruise back here for a vacation more than likely. Once you get off here you are going to go to many other places. The first large grouping of Ascension will come off the planet perhaps in 60 to 70 years, which would put you to about 2040 or something like that. Don't forget, there is going to be major turmoil and confusion up until 25 years from now."

"The Ascended Masters come onto your planet and They defy the existing paradigm. They ascend the laws of Man, and They begin to perform what you call miracles. They are sent by The Family of Light, by a certain Collection of Consciousness, to be a catcher and a keeper of frequency, perhaps where no one else is catching and keeping frequency. They literally transform Themselves, and They create transformation in the worlds that They are sent to."

"In your case, We are talking about Ascended Masters like St. Germaine. This is One that you consider a Master. There are many, many Others. These come in and They create by intention and by communication with the off-planetary Sources. They literally mutate the body by receiving energy, and they transform Themselves. This single-handed transformation of a sole Individual then is able to defy the laws as you know them, and when They leave the planet They are able to create a spin of the molecular structure and move Themselves into another system of reality."

"In ancient times when The Ascended Masters were originally playing the game upon your planet, They needed to be alone. Many of these Higher Energies were alone in caves in Tibet, because that was the only way that They could literally receive, for They did not have the distractions around to keep Them from having the free-flowing knowledge that comes through. The rocks acted as a protector and as an energy transducer to bring the energy into the body. Beings in ancient times had to be alone to create the electro-magnetic pattern and anchor it into the gridwork of your Earth."


"What sound does is that sound brings about states of emotional feeling. Sound is going to be a vehicle, a conduit to connect you to The Higher Chakras (8th to 12th) ouside of the body, because you do not have a way of accessing them with the logical mind. You must access these Higher Chakra Centers by feeling, and sound will connect you with this feeling. Certain combinations of sounds played through the human body unlock information, unlock frequencies of intelligence."

"Breathing, movement, music, releasing sound, harmonics are ways of utilizing energy, of allowing energy to flow through you without stopping you up. When you go play sound (music) it means that you are ready to transmute realities, to bring a higher reality in. It is very good, and sound has been utilized to alter your consciousness, e.g. Gregorian chants and Tibetan monks."

"Believe it or not, there will come a time when groups of humans will come together, perhaps in the thousands, and they will be directed to merge their consciousness together in certain ways to create realities by chanting."

"Many of the understandings of matter upon your planet have been forgotten. In the later mystery schools, the last 2,000 to 5,000 years, there was but a fragmentation of the real understanding and the power of sub-particle (sub-atomic) physics. In more ancient times it was understood that part of the law of manifestation, part of the laws of creation had to do with the sub-particles which were ruled by consciousness, which were ruled by thought."

"There were abilities to create harmonics through motion, and stone could also be moved by a variety of motion that was created between 2 people, almost as if they were dancing with each other. This was also used to move and create structures of form (the pyramids)."

"Toning is a safe place to feel, and feeling evokes emotion, and emotion connects you to your Spiritual Self, your Self that is beyond the physical body. It allows you to access The Spiritual Self which you must do to realize that you are multi-dimensional."

"The set of 3 evolving DNA helixes which is multiplying itself into 12 helixes eventually, once these helixes begin to come into their own blossoming, their own multiplication, mutation inside of the human form, they need the human harmonics of sound in order to translate the information because the information goes far beyond the senses."

"By having these 12 helixes (the 12 strands of DNA) that are coming about, that correspond with the 12 Vortex Centers (Chakras), 7 within your body and 5 outside your body, each helix is a ladder of consciousness or an organization of light-encoded filaments inside each one of these Centers. What Humanity needs to do in order to reach the next level of opening information on the planet is to learn how to harmonize with 12 helixes evolved in the body and to plug into information that comes from outside of the logical mind. At this time, you can utilize harmonics (sound)."

"Sound is one of the purest means to transmit intelligence at this phase of your developement. You must break the boundary that, in order to transmit intelligence, your logical mind must be able to recognize intelligence. That is incorrect. You must recognize that frequency (of sound) carries intelligence. And sound can be utilized in many different ways to create all kinds of alterations of consciousness and healing amongst individuals."

"You can use sound to heal a rift between individuals. You can use it to create a healing between individuals. You can use it to create what would be called a sexual frequency, long distance, between individuals. Eventually, all healing will be done with sound. Healing will be discovered to be a realignment of the codes based on certain master numbers through sound."

"On an atomic level, every atom has primordial sound. Every atom is constantly toning itself into existence, into connection. That is why We encourage you to tone various sounds without judging them to your conscious cells, because after a while you hit on a tonal combination that aligns you with certain frequencies. You can go into great altered states with toning if you let yourself go, if you let yourself do it."

"When you release sound, only to your ears does it have an ending. Only to your ears does it have an ending. Feel that. Whenever you are going to make sound, for whatever reason, put an intention with it. You can do all kinds of incredibly wonderful things with sound. Sound helps build a bridge of intention. Intention, if you notice, weaves itself through everything that We have done and everything that We have guided you through. Intentions narrow possibilities. Your Native American Groups always used sound with intention."

"In the ideal, birth and death are accompanied with sound. With the production of sound, an energy (a being) can move from one system to another. Sound, when the child is coming in (birth), will allow an energy (a being) to ride a frequency into this reality, to follow sound. Death is the exact same thing."

"You will find that this will become accepted after a while, this whole idea. Your whole society does everything possible to prevent you from dying, as if it is bad, so anything done to promote death is associated with killing. Most individuals know when their death is pending. There is inner knowledge about that particular event. A musical accompaniment can assist individuals in finding that time rather than fighting the whole process. It is not morbid to help others die."

The Moon:

"The Moon is a construct. It is put in space as a monitoring device, a device that balances, feeds, and alters your consciousness. It is a device that was orchestrated and put there by some of your 'creator gods'. Throughout time, this has been part of the deep mysteries, that The Moon is utilized as a transmitting device. And when The Moon is in darkness, The New Moon, it is a time of incredible broadcasts, the same as when it is in the fullness. The Moon is capable of sending holographic broadcasts."

"Your Moon is not what would be called a natural heavenly body. It is put there and anchored there, and it is a relay station. It is like a gigantic satellite. It is a base that intelligence can operate from. Moons can be thought of just like the forts were on the edge of the frontier in the days when The West was being developed. Moons are like gateways to the frontier of the planetary area that they protect or that they own."

"The Moon or any Moon around a system is part of the main computer that holds the data base. It broadcasts frequency and establishes certain boundaries within certain planetary realms. If a planet was to have many Moons, then you could figure that there were many realities and many different systems being established on one particular world."

"The Moon is a construct that helps keep the electrical 'frequency fence' around the planet. When someone owns The Moons around a planetary sphere, The Moons are the broadcast units that direct energy (beings) in and out of the portals. In other words, they created something that operates the portals. The Moon can be programmed to operate the portals in different ways."

"The satellites that orbit a particular body set the electro-magnetic frequency range that life exists within, all biological life. Animals know that they are fed data and that there is a life force that moves between them and The Moon. They hear what you do not hear, and they respond back to it." (wolves, etc.)

"Your scientists have made numerous trips to The Moon. It is quite easy to take a shuttle to The Moon and explore it and come back. It is not something that you are waiting to develope. It is something that is already there."

Human DNA:

"The light-encoded filaments (the DNA) that are a source of intelligence inside of your body were disseminated or scattered a long time ago (genetically re-arranged from 12 to 2 strands)."

"The present evolutionary system, as it has been preordained and designed by the 'creator gods' to step you up a number of dimensions and a number of frequencies, is based upon the evolution of 12 helixes corresponding to 12 Chakra Centers. It is simply the way it plugs in."

"Even though some will be functioning with these 12 helixes in a short time, others around the planet will not be receiving it until much later, because they are coded to be given the frequency when they are capable of integrating it. As the helixes come in gently, full force in some and perhaps gently in others, it gently begins to awaken the person to inner knowledge, knowledge that goes beyond what one has been taught, knowledge of Self, knowledge that says there is much more than this physical world."

"As the light-encoded filaments reform themselves and begin to broadcast what they have available, the nervous system must be able to carry it and translate it. Why do you think that the brain has been dormant all of this time? Why do you think you have been using such a small percentile? Because the DNA was unplugged."

"There is an unfolding that will take place so that eventually you will begin to bring about the full use of the human brain. You can extend your life by hundreds of years. You can move the body into complete rejuvenation that is unheard of at this time, and you can come into complete operative ability with the DNA in complete alignment of 12 strands, operating with full brain capacity. Furthermore, the DNA is not simply for your physical vehicle. The DNA gives you the history of The Universe." (see "The Living Library")

"The ability to commandeer a human vehicle (by other sentient beings) is now much easier because of the unplugged DNA, because the brain cells are not in operation. The brain is shut down. You are only using a very small portion of the brain, therefore you are very easily taken over sometimes. When you are in full operative form, when you have your 12 strands of DNA and you are plugged into The Energy Centers (Chakras), it is no easy feat to take over the vehicle of a human."

The Pyramids:

"The Great Pyramid in Giza is utilized for many things. It is definitely an operative in many, many dimensions. It is definitely an operative as far as bringing in intelligence, transmitting communication, and altering and coding the biogenetic structure of Man and Solar Man."

"Your pyramid structures were placed together by sound, by other uses of technology, and by placing these stones together to formulate this receptor or receiver of information. Information was put into all of the blocks, into the ways that the blocks were placed together, information that is on a vibratory level."

"Of course, the technology came from off-planetary beings. Everything on your planet has been given to the planet from off of the planet because the planet is a project. Yes, it is a project. It is an experimentation. You have 'gods' who created you. Those 'gods' are toying with your consciousness big time. They are coming back, many of those 'creator gods', and their stories are written all over these places of power and these temples."

"The Pyramids are far, far, far more ancient than any history book has indicated. There are workings that began over 20,000 years ago in that area (The Giza Plateau). The pyramidal structures that are presently there, some of that was completed 10,000 years ago, and it is above what the real discovery is underneath. No one is even realizing that the pyramid's capstone is well in excess of 20,000 years old. There are Halls of Records. There are ancient, ancient forms of information that are recognized and known by only a few in The Western World."

"Imagine all that has been left in antiquity by the dusts and the sands of time. Imagine if it were to be inundated by water. What would be revealed beneath the sandstone, beneath the granite layers, beneath the washed away mud and dirt and silt would be layers and layers and layers of a project that is called The Nile that for eons has deposited and protected the temple sites, the palaces of the 'gods', the genetic operations centers, and initiation centers."

"Just as you go there and you think you see these incredible sites of temples and glyphs and pyramids, We are saying that these sites were built in the more recent times, 20,000 to 5,000 years ago, over other sites."

"On the walls of the pyramids, all of the balls upon the heads of figures were a statement of the planet that they were from, the portion of the solar system, and each one represented its Collective of Consciousness. Many of them were in the guise of animals. It is only later on that Egyptologists said that they were only symbolic representations. No. They were literal translations." (the animal figures)

The Endocrine System:

"The endocrine system is vastly misunderstood and underestimated inside your human body. If you follow some of the more hair-raising stories of ET participation upon your planet, you will understand that they insert themselves to raid or to borrow portions of endocrine functions. They understand the importance of it."

"Within these endocrine locales (near The Chakras) in the body, there are bundles of energy. When these energies begin to move around systematically, smoothly, at different rates, they begin to create harmonics within each other, just like the harmonics each person creates with sound."

"When you begin to spin these different systems inside of the body, the body creates its own inner harmonics, and it accesses different frequency modulations that vary the degree of the carrier wave which transmits intelligence. So, what you are doing in all of these things (like spinning, deepbreathing, toning) is that you are stepping up your intelligence. It is not so much that you will perform to a greater degree in the logical world. You will perform to a much greater degree in the world of intuition, in the world that is based on knowing, not in the world that is based on outside validation. Speeding up these Vortex Centers (each associated with an endocrine gland) brings this about."


"You do not understand that animals were designed and they operate in a capacity that humans have no idea of. The animals are utilized by other forms of consciousness to monitor you, to check you out, to read your energy. They are outreaches of consciousness that function on a frequency that you do not even recognize exists."

"They can be said to be spies upon you sometimes. Some were given here to become companions. Some evolved to become the dumping ground for your emotions, your pets. Some evolved to become what you believed you needed for nourishment. In this day it is sad that those that you believe you need for nourishment are the most ill-treated and mistreated animals on the planet. What does that say about your right to nourishment? We would think that all that you would ingest you would want to treat with the highest regard."

"Even though animals demonstrate an innate ability to take care of themselves far better than Man can on this Earth, that ability is continuously disrupted."

Mars, The Guardian:

"At one time, Mars was The Guardian of The Earth. The Earth is a Library (see "The Living Library"), all right? If you want to take something out of the library or go into the library, you have to go to the front desk. Mars operated as that. It operated as a dimensional opening through which one first passed before coming to Earth."

"Mars, at one time, was The Protector of Earth, because Earth was the jewel, The Library, and everything was stored biologically in The Library, so that if anyone came here and they didn't have the right codes or master numbers, by the time they found The Earth they wouldn't understand what to do with It."

"The cities that are on Mars, the face, the many pyramids, the tunnel systems, the many artifacts discovered are known now by your scientists to have a certain relationship, one to the other. There are constructs that lay out a gridwork, a pattern, and they create geometric shapes. You will find parallel sets of artifacts here upon The Earth. They are in The United States, Mexico, Central America, and The Southern Continent and will be uncovered at the proper time."

"Another place of great, great mystery where you have many parallel artifacts is underneath the polar ice caps. Your scientists have been able to use certain equipment that can scan what lies beneath the ice, so there has been much excavation and much tunneling and many things established that allowed certain energies (humans) to tie in Antarctica to what is going on on Mars. There is great secrecy about what is going on there."

Sacred Geometry:

"Geometric shapes are simply symbols. A Higher Intelligence (Higher Being) is the symbol. The symbol is representative of a Higher Intelligence. When you use the geometric shapes, you symbolically call The Higher Intelligence whose sum total of identity is that sacred geometry."

"For example, each of The Ascended Masters, throughout the course of earth's history, penetrated the frequency control here on Earth and with great diligence and great commitment evolved beyond the system and became a Master of Ascension, moved beyond the lock. Each One created a language form, a sacred geometric shape that was the sum total of their knowledge, their essence. (e.g. The Maltese Cross and St. Germaine) When you use these shapes, you are literally receiving the shapes from other forms of Intelligence, forms of Intelligence that really transform reality."

"The sum total of experience of an Ascended Master is a form, a symbol that We call the language of light. It is made up of a geometric shape. Each One of Them has their own symbol for transforming realities. These geometric shapes literally share their intelligence, the sum total of Who They are as They are anchored onto the planet."

"To encapsulate, geometric shapes are the symbolic representation of a Collective of Intelligence, what could be called The Ascended Masters, Supreme Beings Who transformed Themselves on your planet and created a language of light geometry based on the sum total of what They know about transforming reality."

"Each geometric form represents a specific form of Intelligence. Each geometric shape is the symbol of a certain Collection of Intelligence (Gestalt of Consciousness). Certain shapes have a more gentle energy. Certain shapes are the beginning shapes. The tetrahedron is one of the primary shapes of intelligence, a symbol of a language of light geometry that has its own intelligence."

"Crop circles are another version of this sacred geometry. The crop circles are made by sound as geometric memory teasers. They allow the geometric shapes to come into your system because those crop circles create a frequency all over your globe. They are a language."

"You are coded to look at these crop circles and respond to these things. You will find that there are certain angles that will literally have a master code within the angle based upon the combination of adding certain numbers of the angles together. It is a very complex communication system of intelligence. It was utilized in India eons ago. It was utilized in many of the ancient civilizations. These angles communicate something. When you see one of these forms or you see a photograph of it, it's like firing a code so that your body literally remembers something."

"In your reality, what you consider to be master numbers are 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, etc. They are numbers where the digits are the same. There are combinations of master numbers based on angles of geometry that access codes of intelligence."

"These geometric shapes hold combinations that make codes when they are combined in certain ways. And codes are needed to create certain forms of life and to create openings through doorways. The master numbers are needed to find one's way through a black hole and to enter many different dimensions within this particular Universe or to even go into other Universes."

"What you are going to have in your homes to stimulate you will be geometric shapes. They will be energy balancers and, as evolving light beings, there will come a time when every one of you will have these geometric shapes in different places around your home to teach you to pull in a blueprint so that it affects your body. You are locking into something beyond logic that your body knows, that your conscious human being cannot rationalize."

"The basic geometric shapes are implanted into the body. What they do is that they assist the body to remember its identity, and that creates a healing. When the sacred geometry is used in this way, it is like inviting The Intelligence into your body. The gentle, easier ones are used first to open you up and connect you. Later on, they are more complex, and they create a changing of the endocrine system in the body so that there are new secretions and new chemical substances that are unheard of at this time and that will create a chemical reaction to evolve the humans."