Monday, July 26, 2010

When former Defense Ministers spill the beans.

21 July 2010

Last night's audio interview with Paul Hellyer [see below] is now available here (57 mins, 39 Mb).

This is a very pleasant, cordial and intelligent conversation with an ex-government minister of remarkable courage and integrity, speaking up with what he knows about the fact of the ET presence - and its potential significance for us all.

Among much else, Paul Hellyer was personally informed by a US Air Force General that "Everything in Col. Philip Corso's book THE DAY AFTER ROSWELL is true - and more".

The 'more' included confirmation that US representatives had had face to face contact with extraterrestrials. He had also heard that most of the visitors were benevolent, but that one race was hostile. It was a most interesting dialog which we both enjoyed.

Paul's most recent book is Light at the End of the Tunnel : A Survival Plan for the Human Species. It is wide-ranging, is eminently readable, and reminds us that we have maybe a ten year window from now in which to get things right on Planet Earth. Our ET friends are rooting for us, Paul understands, but are not permitted to intervene overtly. It is our responsibility to clean up the mess we have created for ourselves down here - something which all followers of my work will know is a principle dear to my heart.

Paul Hellyer's book at Amazon

This book reflects the mature judgment of an author with broad experience in and out of public life. It sets out in stark and unvarnished terms most of the world's major problems. The Human Species is hell bent for extinction unless we change our attitudes and actions with an urgency appropriate to impending disaster. Paul Hellyer suggests that we have about ten years to wean ourselves from the oil economy and profoundly regrets that the Copenhagen Conference reflected little progress in that direction. The whole atmosphere was one that reminded him of Emperor Nero fiddling while Rome burned. World leaders simply have to do better! The book outlines the three monumental changes required to accommodate the miracle. First, the book claims that exotic energy sources already exist. They have been developed by the U.S. "shadow government" at the massive underground "black operation" installations in Nevada and Arizona using technology borrowed from visitors from other planets. Yet they remain secret for the alleged benefit of the privileged few. Second, the money has to be found to subsidize poor nations and facilitate major changes. This can be accomplished by a fundamental re-working of the monetary and banking system. Bank leverages must be dramatically reduced and the percentage of virtual money they create as debt strictly limited so that governments can gain the financial flexibility to finance the transition to sustainability. Finally it will be necessary for all countries, races, faiths and colors to drop their antagonisms and work together in common purpose to save the heritage they have in common. -- ·

-- "Paul Hellyer's story is an important contribution to the literature of modern western civilization. His experience in government, his interest in exopolitics and the issues of sustainability of civilization are significant areas of current discourse." Edgar Mitchell, Sc.D, Apollo 14 Astronaut

Phillip Corso's book at Amazon

No, I don't get kick-backs from Amazon. It's just a handy source to have a look at and buy these books.