Tuesday, November 2, 2010

An alternate viewpoint on healing and AIDS

Source: http://www.shaolin.org/answers/sp-issues/paradigm.html

Alternate View-Points on Healing and AIDS.


"The Complete Book of Chinese Medicine" by Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit


I marvel at TCM and Qi gong; they have rejuvenated so-called cervical disc
degeneration within me. I look forward to hearing from you.

— Christopher, UK

Congratulations for your recovery from a so-called incurable disorder, i.e.
“incurable” from the conventional Western medical perspective.

I have tried to disseminate the following concept. Understandably there is
much resistence, but eventually the concept will get through — hopefully to
the right people. When that happens, countless people will benefit. The
concept is as follows.

Disorders like celiac disorder, cervical disc degeneration, asthma,
diabetes, cancer, viral infection, depression and many, many others are
“incurable” only when viewed from the conventional Western paradigm. A
paradigm is not a set of truths; it is only a way of viewing events and
processes, and in this case events and processes related to health and

If a particular paradigm does not work, it is only sensible to try another
paradigm, especially one that has proven to have worked for centuries. For
example, one way to view your previous health problem is to call it
“cervical disc degeneration”. The trouble is that when your problem is
viewed in this way, we come to a dead-end because conventional Western
doctors have no way to reverse the degeneration of your cervical disc.

The situation changes instantly when we view it using the traditional
Chinese medical paradigm. There may be different ways to label your
symptoms, but basically your health problem was caused by yin-yang
disharmony. This makes a big difference. When we view your problem as
cervical disc degeneration, it becomes “incurable” because there is no way
to revert the degeneration. But when we view it as yin-yang disharmony, it
becomes curable because there are many ways to restore yin-yang harmony.

One crucial point many people miss is that using a different paradigm does
not mean one has to throw away all his previous training. It means the new
paradigm enables him to enlarge his perspective so that he can put his
training to better use. Once the concept of yin-yang harmony is understood,
conventional Western doctors can use their own training and methods, such as
chemotherapy or surgery, to restore yin-yang harmony. They may not even call
it “yin-yang harmony”. They can express the same concept in different words,
such as “restoring the natural functioning of the patient to enable him to
adjust effectively to changing conditions”.

The issue of AIDS, which affects 4 out of 10 people in Africa, comes to
mind. If Western doctors and research scientists stick to the conventional
paradigm that AIDS is caused by HIV, they come to a dead-end because viruses
cannot be killed by drugs, a fact that Western doctors and research
scientists know fully well. Yet, millions of dollars and working hours are
spent on the impossible, i.e. finding a drug that kills HIV, while millions
of people suffer and die. It is amazing why the otherwise brilliant research
scientists do not attempt to view the problem from another perspective, that
of restoring yin-yang harmony.

In Western terms, instead of viewing AIDS as a result of a viral attack
(which is true), why not view it as a result of a weakening of the immune
system (which is also true)? In fact the term AIDS mean just this — Acquired
Immunity Deficiency Syndrome. We should note the word “Acquired”. It means
that AIDS is not natural; it is acquired. Before a patient acquired this
deficiency, his immune system could naturally destroy HIV! This fact is
crucial. The task therefore is to find out how to restore the natural
working of the immune system. This is possible because it is natural.

It may also be pertinent to mention that pharmaceutical companies that fund
research will not lose their potential market. In fact it is a good
opportunity for them to reap a lot of financial rewards. Instead of hoping
to find a dream drug that kills viruses, which is unlikely to occur, they
can sell real drugs that restore the natural functioning of the immune
system, which has a good chance to happen. A lot of people will also be
saved. It is a win-win policy.

Shaolin Kungfu Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit

HH: There's a lot of controversy surrounding AIDS. Jon Rappoport of
www.nomorefakenews.com has researched this thoroughly. I only have a curious
interest in the disease. To summarize the controversies (from memory):

-The test for the HIV virus detects any elevation in anti-bodies which
means if you have something as innocuous as a respiratory infection, you'll test
positive for HIV.

-The drugs used to treat AIDS are rejected chemotherapy drugs. They were
rejected because they were too toxic. This means if you take these drugs (AZT)
you toxify your body, weakening it, which leads to decreased immune system
functioning. You "Acquire" an "Immunity Deficiency Syndrome."

HH: As for qi-gong (energy exercises), I can recommend Soaring Crane Qigong
(chee-gung). It activates the main energy circuit of the body which will then be able to connect to every point of the body. Practicing SCQ will eventually
improve the health of the whole body, in a general approach. How do energy exercises heal? E=mc2.


Source: http://www.shaolin.org/general/birth-right.html