Friday, March 12, 2010

A message to my readers.

If you have found the information on my blog helpful and valuable to you or if you think this information would be helpful to other people and the planet, please make a copy for yourself to preserve it. You can also copy this information and post it to a blog of your own to share on the internet: You can do this for free on Google Blogger.

Final notes:

More technology: Nikola Tesla's Bladeless Turbine

James Clerk Maxwell's medium: have a good look at his electromotive force equations.

What can I do? -Just imagining a better world has an effect on it: It all starts in the mind.

Good Luck!

More on the medium of Maxwell 3

A final clue to understanding the medium of Maxwell that I'd like to give out here is article 540 of James Clerk Maxwell's A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism. In this article he describes Faraday's hypothesis of an "electrotonic state."

I wasn't going to include this last bit of information: I wanted people to work their brains and figure it out for themselves. However, the day after I posted my What is the Medium of Maxwell? posts, I had a cyber-attack done to me where I was unable to access the internet. My ISP was not the source of the problem nor was my equipment (all tested). So I must conclude someone had set up a barrier to my accessing the internet. Apparently, someone out there likes me!

Here are some devices that I believe operate utilizing "Maxwell's medium". Many of these can be seen on YouTube or their patents can be read on Google Patents:

TESLA COIL!!! (the key to understanding and utilizing Maxwell's medium)

Stanley Meyer's Water Fuel Cell (utilizes Tesla's coil)

Viktor Schauberger's Implosion devices (see Jet Turbine Patent in my February 2010 post)

Bruce De Palma's N-Machine (magnetic implosion)

James Griggs' Hydrosonic Pump (molecular implosion)

Francisco Pacheco's Auto-Electric Hydrogen Generator (see Jeane Manning's The Coming Energy Revolution)

Energy Trimmer Circuit (neutralizes the losses in transformers, marketed in California)

Thesta-Distatika (Swiss community of Methernitha's device)

Sunday, March 7, 2010

More on the medium of Maxwell 2

More articles from James Maxwell Clerk's, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism:

Article 572, paragraph 6
Article 541
Article 549

More on the medium of Maxwell

Here are some more quotes from James Clerk Maxwell's A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism. In order they are:

Article 502, paragraph 3
Article 552, paragraph 1
Article 552, paragraph 2
Article 529

Saturday, March 6, 2010

What is the medium of James Clerk Maxwell?

Here are quotes from James Clerk Maxwell's A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism where he conjectures on the existence of a medium underlying electromagnetic phenomena - Is the medium the source of electromagnetic phenomena? Then what is this medium composed of? If it is composed of electromagnetic waves then that must mean that electricity is present in all points of space. If this electricity is present everywhere then it can be tapped. Articles 865-866. This book can be read on-line and downloaded in pdf form free from Google Books:

A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism by James Clerk Maxwell, M.A.
LL.D. Edin., D.C.L., F.R.SS. London and Edinburgh
Honorary Fellow of Trinity College, and Professor of Experimental Physics in the University of Cambridge
Volume II, Second edition.
Oxford at the Clarendon Press, 1881