Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Art of Successful Living

Outwitting Tomorrow by Dr. Frank Stranges.

Outwitting Tomorrow by Frank Stranges teaches how to live a good, healthy, successful life by teaching simple principles that you can immediately apply to your daily life.

It covers: living a balanced life and aspects of your being and how to use them to succeed. Aspects such as will, intelligence, reason; and the subconscious, conscious and superconscious. It teaches how anyone in any situation can walk the path to the light and grow in every manner into a better, happier, good life.

It teaches the importance of sharing this knowledge of life by teachings others. It also covers how to get help, protection, and guidance from the good forces that exist.

It also covers Biblical and Giza Pyramid prophecy dealing with now: the 20th & 21st centuries.

It is recommended for anyone.